Thursday, March 11, 2010

In the last month

1. We relocated continents ... moved from summer to winter overnight!!
2. Helped a dear friend relocate from US to Japan ... sigh ... we miss you D&P
3. Found dayCare for Saara
4. Got onboard the sick-cycle of flu/cold/pneumonia etc.
5. Saara turned one
6. Unpacked a lot of boxes (still work in progress)
7. Setup the apartment (almost done!)
8. Got wheels
9. Had an awesome birthday party for Saara in the company of good friends (more on that later)
10. Started work ... in full swing! - with travel and all! got to meet you Sujith :)
and I wonder why everything is a blur!
So if I haven't been active here/on fB/e-mail/phone etc. ... you know why :)