Monday, May 20, 2013

Deja Vu??? In the past few months ...

Randomly wandered onto this blog and the last post brought a sense of Deja Vu all over again ... its been 3 years since this last post but I could have written it yesterday and it would more or less be the same.

In the past 4 months
1. We have relocated continents - again
2. Found dayCare  a school for Saara in Chengdu
4. Got onboard the sick-cycle of flu/cold/pneumonia etc.
5. Saara turned one Sanjna is almost one
6. Getting Ready to Unpack a lot of boxes (still work in progress)
7. Setup the apartment (almost done!)
8. Got wheels (kinda - a Buick mini-van :P but its standard issue and comes with a driver)
9. Had an awesome birthday party for Saara in the company of good friends (more on that later)
10. Started work ... in full swing! - with travel and all! got to meet you Sujith :)
and I wonder why everything is a blur!
So if I haven't been active here/on fB/e-mail/phone etc. ... you know why :)

Its been a busy past 3 years
- Sanju arrived
- Got a lot closer with dear friends. Made new friends
- Hosted families in Houston ... all of them :)
- Took family shots in a studio (a month before we moved!)
- Bought a house in Houston, bought cars, setup the house, sold cars, sold house.