Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay its over! As you can see, D and I are happily throwing our caps in the air ... but we wouldn't have made it to the event despite the big money that we had to shell out for that cheapda gown! A big thanks to Navin (who drove 400 miles to attend the event), Sarat, and J who gave us moral support (and push) to go to the event! After attending Shaibal's graduation ceremony at Kelley, all the excitement of the ceremony had fizzled away ... we would rather have slept that morning :)
But we're glad we went for the ceremony - nevermind the fact that we were standing in the basement for 2 hours and had to wait for half a billion undergrad business school kids after us ... still was a happy event :) - as you can see from the smiling faces!
p.s. I have to add that the graduation gown for masters is a very peculiar one ... it has long sleeves which are closed at the end! very very peculiar!
Good job! for posting the pics if not graduating ;-)
we welcomed your graduation day 13 hours ahead of you here! :-) bummed that we missed the event though....
If the happy smiles are any indication of the torture over the last 2 years, I'm wondering if I should even think about it? ;-)
excellent! it is time for me to get all senti and think about the time when you kids were trying to study for gmat and suchlike horrors and simultaneousy desperately looking for distractions...
and both of you look sooooo relieved. great show, people!
@de-silva - we missed you at the event dude ... it was quite unfortunate that we missed Preethu's and you guys missed ours ... well! But hey at the end of it I must say that the MBA was good fun - a solid experience - not that I would ever do it again - but a great experience nevertheless :)
@charu - tnks charu and oh yes - those nostaligic memories ... those "studying" times with all the partying (mango parties included ;) ) and movies and dining outs ... eventually everything turned out good :) ... no?
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